GV in June
Happy almost Summer! It’s been sunny and beautiful here in Brooklyn—this photo is from a walk we took this weekend.
I know many folks are wrapping up their fiscal year - if that’s you, I hope you’re able to breathe soon and that you’re delegating what you can.
The 2024 Facilitation Guide is ready! It’s evolved quite a bit since the first version, developed in 2022. I’m doing my best to document my learnings and where I’ve changed my mind over the years (for instance, I used to use ground rules, now I co-develop Community Agreements) - and I imagine that the guide will look different in another couple of years!
Feel free to comment and leave suggestions or questions! I only know what I know, and I’d love for this to become a collaborative document. Just be sure to comment with your info for attribution or reach out to me to chat about further collaboration.
I’m taking Monique Melton’s Money Work class through the Shine Bright School, where I get to work in community with other white folks to build out my own lifelong wealth redistribution plan in service of Black liberation. It’s already so generative and nourishing - it’s got me thinking about not only material wealth, but also networks, time, energy, and opportunities - expecially working in Philanthropy! So, I’ve planted this seed in the back of my head, and maybe it’s helpful for some of you, too:
As my career moves forward and I navigate client work, speaking opportunities, and other collaboration, where will I accept, share, and decline opportunities? Which doors can I hold open and which doors are not mine to begin with?
One of my big learnings so far is that I have a pretty ingrained belief that for other folks to thrive and succeed, I need to suffer - there’s that zero/sum thinking so inherent to white supremacy! I’m excited to see how this work evolves in me and my work over time.
Something that comes up in consulting and change work a lot is the conversation about readiness. If you’re a change practicitioner/consultant, how do you assess a client’s readiness? If you work in an organization, how do you assess and communicate your organization’s readiness? Send me your thoughts!